First Time Visits
It is important for the child’s parent or guardian to be present during the appointment so that we can discuss and explain our findings with you. We also ask that you complete the medical history form and pre-appointment questionnaire prior to your arrival (documents can be found at the bottom of the page). Referral documents and any radiographs should also be brought along to your first visit.
We begin our first appointments with an interview to discuss your child’s concerns and needs. Following that, your child will then be examined in either our consulting room or in a dental chair. Where possible, your child’s first visit will include a thorough dental examination and radiographs (x-rays) may be taken.
We kindly request that while examining your child’s teeth that you observe passively as children are easily distracted and will respond to a parent or guardians voice. Required subsequent visits will then be arranged for complete dental treatment, including oral hygiene and risk assessment for the prevention of future dental disease.
Unless the patient has received trauma or is experiencing symptoms, no treatment will be conducted at the first visit.
Treatment Visits
Treatments are either performed in our rooms or at Lingard Private Hospital. Treatment is timed and staged to suit each individual patient through discussions with the patient and family. Where possible, price estimates for treatment will be provided prior to the appointment. However, this is not always possible.