General Anaesthesia
General Anaesthesia is used in paediatric dentistry to allow treatment without causing undue distress or discomfort for the patient. During a general anaesthetic a patient is maintained in a state of controlled unconsciousness. This is done using medications administered by an anaesthetist. Medications may be administered as a gas, breathed by the patient or through a small cannula. The anaesthetist ensures comfort and safety by continuously monitoring the patient. Modern anaesthesia in Australia is considered to be safe due to the high standard of education and training as well as access to modern medications and equipment.
A general anaesthetic may be recommended based on your child's age, medical conditions, anxiety and complexity of work required. Parents have an important role in the care of their children as they go to sleep and wake up. Your anaesthetist will explain this. You must remain at the hospital during your child's stay and organise care for other children. Most general anaesthetics for dental treatment are performed as day surgery and your child will go home that day.
Your child will need close supervision during the following 24 hours and outdoor activities such as bike riding, swimming or trampolining should be avoided. Where possible indoor activities such as stories and quiet play should be encouraged. Some pain and bleeding should be expected depending on your child's treatment and the dentist will discuss this with you.
Unlike adults, most children will want to stay in their own clothes. Dress your child in soft comfortable clothes (something they would wear for a nap). Hospitals may be cold so bring a warm jumper of top for your child. Avoid all-in-ones, metal zips and fasteners and tight-fitting clothing.
Most treatment under general anaesthesia is performed at Lingard Private Hospital in Merewether.
For more information on general anaesthesia please visit: